Winter Wildlife Adventure
Love Exploring App 2020
The Brief
Following our work creating a Rusticus Adventure for use on the Love Exploring App at Sewerby Hall & Gardens, Tom at Love Exploring was keen to have another adventure ready to offer clients nationwide. Could we create something for the colder Winter months?
What We Did
We used our experience of the app discovered when creating Magpie Mystery to create a fun interactive Winter Wildlife adventure – in which audiences help some of the UK’s best-loved insects, birds and animals, to escape the wintry clutches of Dr Frostbite. Involving on-screen puzzles, spotting activities and multi-choice questions, the adventure featured video clips of Swallow’s migration, Frog’s song, Mole’s tunnelling and ladybird’s hibernation.
The Result
The adventure was delivered on time and on budget for use on the Love Exploring app throughout Winter 2020 and 2021.

“To be honest, I was blown away about how effective it was”.
Want this for your event?
If you would like us to deliver this sort of performance at your venue, get in touch.