Sewerby Goes Wild!
Sewerby Hall & Gardens / Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award 2022
The Brief
We were delighted to hear that our long-standing partners at Sewerby Hall had been chosen to receive the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award exhibition in 2022. And we were even more excited to help contribute towards a programme of companion events to run alongside the exhibition during May – July 2022!
What We Did
We took inspiration rom some of the winning images in the exhibition – both in terms of character as well as the way they many of the images ask the viewer to see the subject in a new light. This surprise element formed the thread which we wove through our events programme – which included a flamingo stilt act, a Wacky Wildlife adventure and an up close encounter with some of the UK’s most iconic creatures – fox, bat and butterfly!
The Result
The events, along with the exhibition, served to shine a spotlight on the natural world and increase audiences’ engagement with and understanding of the wildlife who live amongst us. The events also had a positive impact on engagement with the venue who reported a marked increase in visitor numbers over the period of the exhibition. Barmy Butterfly went on to visit the Humber Bridge Country Park and Scarborough Art Gallery as part of the Great Butterfly Count and Fernando the Flamingo enjoyed an outing to Deershed Festival!

“The girls loved our Sunday afternoon at Wacky Wildlife – thank you”
Want this for your event?
If you would like us to deliver this sort of performance at your venue, get in touch.