Halloween at Skelf Island
Castle Howard 2019
The Brief
Building on the success of the Skelves weekend launch event, we were asked to help Castle Howard with a family-friendly Halloween offer. Could we introduce the slight darker character of Corvus the Skelf but in such a way so that the event would nevertheless be fun for all – even younger visitors and those of a more sensitive nature?
What We Did
Our approach was to contextualise the character of Corvus – why is he always slightly on the outside – preferring the cacophony of the crows in the treetops to the company of the other Skelves. Once we’d made that choice we went on to create a concept for the Halloween delivery – mischief making. We devised both a self-led trail for families to enjoy together and a Rusticus Adventure for groups in Ray Wood themed around rural harvests and superstitions. Together audiences magically un-did some of Corvus’s meddling whilst persuaded him to become friends.
The Result
We delivered the events across nine days of the October half term and received excellent audience and client feedback.

“The actors were all fabulous so a big thank you! Really great to get the right stakeholders from our team and the Arboretum on board and involved, so thank you so much for your approach to doing that too”
Want this for your event?
If you would like us to deliver this sort of performance at your venue, get in touch.