The Meaning of Rusticus explained…

by | Feb 8, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

Ever wondered what a “Rusticus” really is? Let us illuminate you!

Rusticus – A wild party in the countryside – a rustic rumpus. Great fun, as long as you remember your wellies!

Rusticus – Red-bearded philosopher/poet of Ancient Greece. Stood on mountains shouting for no reason. Gave the other philosophers a headache.

Rusticus – Mythical beast fond of changing it’s appearance to make itself as conspicuous as possible. The opposite of camouflage, basically. A real show-off.

Don’t believe us? Think you can do better? Send us your own definition, and we’ll add it to the Rusticaurus!

King Charles is having fun with his oak branches - in an interactive Rusticus Adventure