Magpie Mystery!


Love Exploring App / Sewerby Hall & Gardens 2020


The Brief

During the covid pandemic our long-standing client, Sewerby Hall & Gardens, asked us whether we could translate one of our traditional Rusticus Adventures into a digital adventure to be accessed via the Love Exploring App. The grounds were open to audiences but there was a drastically reduced offer and the app had been bought as a way of enhancing the visitor offer during this time.


What We Did

Firstly, we needed to get an understanding of how the app works in order to establish what was possible and what would require 6 months of developer time! We then created a ground-breaking new adventure format which allowed audiences to follow an adventure from inception to completion through a series of video clips, with interactive puzzles to solve and with on-site installations in support. Families would be able to move through the grounds at Sewerby in an energetic romp through the world of 1940s children’s stories as protagonists Edward and Kitty embarked on another Summer holiday adventure! What would start out as a bird-watching expedition in search of the charismatic magpie would turn into a mystery brim full of joy with secrets of silver and gold!


The Result

The adventure was delivered on time and on budget and supporting signage installed on site ready for launch in Summer 2021!

Magpie mystery by Rusticus

“I loved it”

Marie, Sewerby Hall

Want this for your event?


If you would like us to deliver this sort of performance at your venue, get in touch.


01377 241498